
Find out about our prices

Our packages and prices

If you intend to stay less than one month, or to come with a group contact us on our mail box.

Room with access to the kitchen 630€/month

Accommodation : Room-only accommodation, with access to the kitchen.

Meals : Without meals- Access to the kitchen.

Contact with the family : Minimal, even though the family will be happy to share some time with you and welcome you.

Student profile : + 18 years old, independent profile; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and Breakfast with access to the kitchen 690€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days, not necessarily with the family; according to their schedule.

Contact with the family : As you wish - For an independent profile.

Student profile : + 18 years old , rather independent ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 3 dinners/week with the family 795€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 3 dinners per week (days to be determined with the family) 

Contact with the family : A good balance between independence and contact with the family.

Student profile : + 18 years old, looking for a real contact with a family, while at the same time seeking freedom in his or her schedule ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 5 dinners/week with the family 850€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 5 dinners per week. Most of the time dinners take place from Monday to Friday and you are independent during week-ends.

Contact with the family : Maximum 

Student profile : +18 years old, looking for a real contact and full integration into the family ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 7 dinners/week with the family 910€/month

Accommodation : A bedroom in the apartment or house of the family. Access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 7 dinners per week with the family

Contact with the family : Maximum 

Student profile : + 18 years old, looking for a real contact and full integration into the family ; Minors : +5% ; 2 in the same family : - 5%